Project title:
Animated Wave Banner
Project Description:
Animated banners add a touch of creativity and interactivity to your website, making it visually appealing and engaging. With the power o…
Setting the `infoWindow` property of an animated marker has no effect. Tapping on the marker does not open the info window.
Note: I've only tested this on iOS.
### Describe the feature
i can make a more better testimonial page
it will be auto scrollable and animated
for better user experience
### Add ScreenShots
I'd like a looping animated Nix snowflake for use with [Plymouth](https://wiki.nixos.org/w/index.php?title=Plymouth&oldid=12326). Any chance someone with experience in this sort of thing could make th…
Sentry Issue: [METAMASK-MOBILE-330T](https://metamask.sentry.io/issues/6056156421/?referrer=github_integration)
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: f
at e.defaultassertNativeAnimatedModule (no…
Currently standard webp support works fine, but animated webps do not get an icon. Any chance this could get support?
## Environments (please complete the following information):
- UniVRM version: `0.124.2`
- Unity version: `Unity-2022.3.3`
- OS: `Windows 11`
## Describe the bug
Here is the asset, unzip it…
I would add an animated contact page similar to this that would match your theme.
Animated blocks would be a great option of creativity with armor, this would be very good for effect like armor such as (for example) flames. My idea is that it’ll be like the bow building system, thr…
Implement main slot machine display with metallic finish and animated reels.
Technical Requirements:
- Create metallic frame container
- Implement three reel windows:
- Question mark symbols