NASA has a free public api showing a new image or gif every day. They are very beautiful and educational. This is a request to add support for their image of the day.
Link to the APOD API: https:…
Add APOD image from NASA API to the hero of the launch page. If possible make it a static background image so information scrolls on top.
proc ne jenom `id`? jestli `page_id`, tak by melo byt i `page_name`, `page_slug` apod.…
proč API nemá žádnou možnost, jak smazat list? Například metoda "deleteList" nebo "removeList" apod. Pokud lze seznamy vytvářet, musí být možnost je upravovat a také mazat.
Díky za info…
Since the APOD API you're using has been down for a couple days, I looked into and am successfully hosting my own API locally. I'd love to have an option to point at that using this integration. I'm g…
The following request is producing an Internal Server Error:
1일차 첫 시간.
OpenAPI 사용에 대한 설명.
NASA의 APOD API 사용 : 하루 한 장 우주 사진 제공. developer key가 없어도 사진을 받을 수 있어서 http get을 연습하기에 좋음.
JSON Serialization
이 커밋까지의 내용을 설명.
### Describe the feature
Another section other than APOD and mars rover exploration where the live data of the space weather will be shown for the viewer to understand how the weather outside the pre…
1) Varianta
Pro začátek by to stačilo udělat jednoduše, stejně jak to máte pro DPD Parcelshop.
Nejlepší by bylo přidat položky PPL dobírka (klasické…
**Environment Info:**
Apod Classic android:versionCode="11"
Apod Classic android:versionName="3.2.8"
Android OS Version = “6.0.1”
**Description information:**
We find that mobile apps are p…