In DataService, get method calls buildUrlSearchParams where the httpParams object is set. However, httpParams object is immutable (https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/19044) so after calling of …
I really appreciate the work being done on this project. It has made life easier for all of us,i will bet.
I just checked out the netcore2 branch and i can see its already supporting angular 5 rc.
Hi @asadsahi,
In the non Cli version the I was able to use a service something like;
private GetAssetByIdApi = 'api/Asset/GetAssetById/';
public GetAssetById(id: number) {
return this.da…
Dear @asadsahi
Please guide me where can i get client id in file auth.config.ts
I try : "aspnetcorespa", "498770901095-mrabuie6uo3he6p5s7sf0hjvq3a3j6po.apps.googleusercontent.com"
My google api, i…
When attempting to run "dotnet run migratedb seeddb", it throws an exception.
Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: Unrecognized argument format: 'migratedb'.
at Microsoft.Extensions.Con…
I may be wrong since I'm fairly new to webpack but as I understand it, the sharedConfig definitions in webpack.config.js and webpack.config.vendor.js are useful for the visual studio angular template…
I have come across the issue where the Access Token must have expired as any action on the controller returns Unauthorized. The problem is that even if you click on LogOut it still returns Unau…
I have been developing an application based on the current AspNetCoreSpa and all has been going well.
Yesterday how ever I experienced a problem with the Login process. This may have coincid…
Dotnet restore fails , it cannot connect to https://dotnetmyget.blob.core.windows.net/artifacts/aspnetcore-ci-dev/nuget/v3/flatcontainer/aspnet.security.openidconnect.extensions/index.json
I am using,
Asp.Net Core (2.x) + Web API
Identity User
OpenIddict for Authentication
SPA (Angular) app for Front End.
Created Google and Facebook Application (for App Id/Key and Secrets)
Not u…