import { i18nMiddleware } from "astro-i18n-aut"
import { sequence } from "astro/middleware"
const i18n = i18nMiddleware({ defaultLocale: "en" })
export const onRequest = sequence(i18n)
is there any way to translate a jsx component? If not, will there be such an opportunity in the future?
is it possible to store translations in json files and access them from astro files?
from doc, i clearly understand how to use for .astro files,but it was confused for me about .md
### NPM package name
### Short description (if different than package.json) and icon
The SVG from my package is broken. When I first added it in https://github.com/withastro/astro.b…
## @typescript-eslint/parser: 5.62.0→6.0.0
[6.0.0でのBreaking change](https://typescript-eslint.io/blog/announcing-typescript-eslint-v6/#user-facing-breaking-changes)を見る感じ特に問題はなさそうです。
## prettier: 2…