As a developer, I would like to reference local package imports via a root alias, to limit the number of large relative import statements.
Acceptance criteria:
- [ ] An alias like `~` is configured …
## Feature Request
### Description of Problem:
What InnerSource metrics would be valuable to measure around each InnerSource project in the Financial Industry to understand:
1. The value of the…
Based on concept testing, there is some light discovery needed around the concept of `Templates` within the A2J form platform. Currently, templates describe a set of fields that come prepackaged such …
As a form author, I need to design my form experience so that I can create a welcoming and authoritative experience for applicants.
- Design lightweight branding configurations for elements like lo…
As a content author, I would like to define a test specification for my interviews, so I may feel confident they behave at I intend without extensive manual testing.
(As a developer, I would like to …
During concept testing, it was observed that the "[Test Form](https://www.figma.com/design/RAm1GWbVTdBpzlmaLL6pLO/ATJ-Platform?node-id=230-22109&t=7TvNml9HwDqMs3KC-1)" button to see the form from the …
As a content author, I would like to preview complete form packages consisting of one or more completed PDF documents, so I can efficiently edit my form definition while ensuring that target document …
As a legal aid worker, I would like to answer questions on behalf of a SRL, so I may more efficiently assist them.
Acceptance criteria:
- [ ] An advocate role is created
- [ ] A method of supporting…
Aim to reorganize the way patterns/components are structured in the repo. Potentially package each and push to repo like npm, in theory you could use multiple versions in the same install, avoid break…
# Feature Engineering
## Reference
- [[slides]-automated-feature-engineering-for-predictive-modeling.pdf](https://github.com/junxnone/tech-io/files/4902046/slides.-automated-feature-engineerin…