I cannot get past [this step](https://edukit.workshop.aws/en/intro-to-alexa-for-iot/building-and-testing-afi.html#provision-the-device). When I "press Done to continue" the iOS app crashes. I confirme…
the instructions say that after entering the command
_pio run --environment core2foraws --target menuconfig_
"**Use the direction keys on your keyboard** to go to Component config –> Amazon Web …
Hi, I am aware of a [number of tools][1] that are licensed under the MIT or Apache 2.0 license or not at all that use this tool. AFAIK as soon as esptool is imported (`subprocess.Popen` circumvents th…
**To reproduce:** call `Core2ForAWS_Motor_SetStrength(0)` when the motor is off.
**What happens:** The motor is turned on, with voltage at the lowest level. Note that the `else if` branch below is ta…
nuchi updated
3 years ago
In a few days before I tried to run the tutorial on Ubuntu ARM64 Raspberry Pi but did not work.
So I changed my trial to on Raspbian…
Windows 10 - Visual Studio - PlatformIO Terminal
Here you will set the configuration. Use the direction keys on your key…
3. To start the build process, paste in the command below (this will take several minutes) in the new terminal window that opened i…
When we follow this workshop https://edukit.workshop.aws/en/intro-to-alexa-for-iot/building-and-testing-afi.html, to built AFI Demo , it will return "mbedtls_net_connect returned -0x52 "
[Windows Prerequisites Page](https://edukit.workshop.aws/en/getting-started/prerequisites/windows.html)
[Under the Silicon Labs Heading](https://edukit.workshop.aws/en/getting-started/prerequisites…
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