### OS Platform and Distribution
Ubuntu 20.04
### Compiler version
_No response_
### Programming Language and version
python 3.9
### Installed using virtualenv? pip? Conda?(if python)
I'm running OL8 docker on Apple Silicon and trying to build a C++ repo on it. There is a third-party which is being built using below cmake
While using the load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_…
With the recent changes to dependencies, the documentation for using the bazel build is likely out of date. Check that it lines up with current state of affairs and update it.
Since we have users of the bazel build, it would be good to add integration testing at least on linux for the bazel build.
CI: https://buildkite.com/bazel/bazel-at-head-plus-downstream/builds/4170#019255c7-940b-46c8-a7a2-be39f08a181f
Platform: Ubuntu
ERROR: [0m/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/bk-docker-qpvh…
I'm attempting to run a bazel build under a self-hosted windows runner. That runner doesn't have a `D:\` drive present. Despite that, the rule hardcodes the bazel output path and all cache locations t…
**If you are reporting *any* crash or *any* potential security issue, *do not*
open an issue in this repo. Please report the issue via emailing
envoy-security@googlegroups.com where the issue will b…
Running `bazel mod deps` with Bazel 8.0.0rc1 or later results:
ERROR: Error loading '@@bazel_tools//tools/android:android_extensions.bzl' for module extensions, requested by https://bcr.bazel.bu…
## Problem
make cdb
bazel run --config=dbg //:refresh_compile_commands && \
python3 ~/tools/cc_modify.py compile_commands.json
INFO: Invocation ID: 84d29b05-0535-43b6-9a62-9e9ea…
CI: https://buildkite.com/bazel/bazel-at-head-plus-downstream/builds/4170#019255c7-700e-43f2-ac43-a899f5182f0c
Platform: Ubuntu
ERROR: [0m/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/bk-docker-q9xh…