Login needs some sort of loading screen (after logging in with ORCID, it takes you back to the login screen and sits for several seconds, looks like nothing is happening)
**Describe the bug**
When shell is put into the script driver section of the execution domain it does not save on the builder. But it does save on the Raw JSON review. When you validate the BCO it sa…
We need a list of BCOs that can fulfill two main functions:
- [ ] Exemplar BCOs referenced in publications
- [ ] BCOs that have important features for testing to be included in the example DB
Selected paper can be found at https://gwu0.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/BioCompute-GRP/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BA9CB327E-76BC-45CE-9FB1-EBF81DD11575%7D&file=Papers%20to%20BCOs.xlsx&action=defa…
Apr 19, 2024, 5:09 PM
We would like to try to do an experiment on Pegasis with NCBI's NT db, which is about 1.2 TB last time I checked. We have a filtered version of that which is about 1.1 TB that…
I see https://github.com/biocompute-objects/BCO_Specification/releases/tag/22.01 of a release 22.01 from 2022. This is confusing as the README says:
> Current Release - IEEE-2791-2020
> For devel…
stain updated
6 months ago
[Commit](407b18c1ccb5911ec63e68e16f3e73fe9755b739) for first attribute = length of usability domain text.