Where we can get below files?
Should I use `coco_vgg16_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel` from:
`wget www.cs.berkeley.edu/~rbg/faster-rcnn-data/coco_vgg16_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel`
or should I use the .caffemodel in data/imagenet_m…
hi,非常感谢分享pre-trained model。
pytorch model可以正常检测图像
但是caffemodel部分:detection_out的分支可以解析出目标,但lane分支按照detect_video.py 以下这段code,结果始终有问题:
out_j = lane[0].data.cpu().numpy()
out_j = out_j…
I want to use darknet to predict with caffemodel, does darknet support caffemodel? If not, how should I convert the caffemodel to darknet model?
Hi @huijuan88
Thank you for updating the code of thumos14 and charades!
I want to run the training on thumos14, however I found the ucf101 fine-tuned model provided by C3D v1.0 is not compatible wi…
I'm using this codes with Python3.8 (with modifying some codes that can execute on Python3, because code was made with 2.7)
Everything's okay, but some errors appear while training.
Fixing codes…
@WongKinYiu Hi,Excuse me.when i with darknet2caffe convert yolov4_pacsp.weights to caffemodel,Without any error,but when i predict,detected a lot of boxes
Hiwyl updated
3 years ago
I am a beginner in deep learning and programming. I have trained a version of mnist Lenet according to Caffe instructions. However I am unable to load the .caffemodel weights into your experiment…
skw90 updated
9 years ago
where can I download the prototxts and the caffemodels to initialize the DNNs available in the launch folder?
Thank you