Hey, I'm trying to use your cassie_standing_env, but I'm getting this error:
ERROR: Could not open activation key file (null)
I have a mujoco key, and it looks like this means that the directory …
The parent POMs are not resolvable.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
Downloading: http://nexus.xwiki.org/nexus/content/groups/public/com/twitter/scala-parent-292/0.0.2/scala-parent-292-0.0.2.pom
``` scala
val twttr = "Twitter's Repository" at "http://maven.twttr.com/"
val cassie = "com.twitter" % "cassie" % "0.19.0"
then later:
``` scala
val cluster = new Cluster("host1,host2", OstrichS…
Hi, I'm trying to get Cassie's dynamics Model. I followed the steps, but I get the following error message ¿What could I be doing wrong?
错误使用 eval_math (第 46 行)
The evaluation of Mathematica express…
I've been following the README to get the project up and running. When I add the example `Schema.Keyspace` module, I get compile time errors. I have a very basic Elixir application running against a s…
When updating observations, Cassie gets current qpos and qvel. Is sensor delay of the observation taken into consideration in the environment?
# My Data Maverick Data Analyst Bootcamp
## Python Programming
- [x] Welcome to Data Maverick. An orientation email by David Venturi. 5 minutes.
- [x] [Thinking of Becoming a Data Analyst? You'…
I used json file you provided form your github project in `test/assets/` is ok.
But I used this module to test my performance json file.
my performance json file is traced by like this, eg:
var t…
Hey Cassie!
Will there be a code release for the ClipNerf. I am interested specifically in part 1 training.