Libccv assumes that calls such as ccmalloc won't fail. This is problematic as these errors snowball into segfaults. For example, in the code from src/ccv_tld.c below, the pointer returned by ccmalloc …
cldfbench lexitools.prosody tppsr --doculect=1
| Language | Sound | Template | Frequency |
| 1 | j | *C*V | …
As I can see CCV have several object detection method:
See also #23092.
I don't know if this is a business requirement. This ticket is to save this question somewhere so we can answer it.
`Given that alteration NRs only support BECR (from BEN to BC) and…
Hey guys, can someone help me compiling for iOs. The old Klaus version works, but ccv version used looks quite different from the current one. Unfortunately I’m unable to compile on iOs with the lates…
I've tried compiling ccv15 on a ubuntu 64 bit, I've solved most of libs issue, but during linking I got the following error (see below)
I think I have all the dependency installed and correct…
(CenterTrack) ccv@SYS-4029GP-TRT:/media/data/CenterTrack-master/src$ python demo.py tracking --load_model ../models/coco_tracking.pth --demo ../data/ --gpus 2
import DCN failed
Import DCN failed
Is there any interest in having a script that converts/imports pre-trained models from Caffe into CCV? Examples of these models are VGG's 2014 models and ones from MIT (https://github.com/BVLC/caffe/w…
I've been attempting to train a new classifier using the steps provided in http://libccv.org/doc/doc-convnet/ but I seem to be running into a problem. Everytime I run `./image-net` to train a new mode…
I tried the test.py which works ok (after I copy ccv.so to the cwd). Now I would like to try passing an image array to ccv functions so as a first test I try uncommenting the lines in test.py that use…