Things who need to be done :
- [X] Inventories
- [ ] **Crafting**
- [X] Fix BreakTime
- [X] Rewrite all inventories code
- [X] Dropped Items
- [X] Tiles
- [X] 1.12 support
- [X] Clean-Up netw…
e.g., http://urlecho.appspot.com/echo?status=200&body=%3C?xml%20version=%271.0%27%20encoding=%27utf-8%27?%3E%20%3Cfeed%20xmlns=%27http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom%27%3E%20%3Ctitle%3EExample%20Feed%3C/title…
Issue on page: https://github.com/opentelekomcloud-docs/cloud-container-engine/blob/main/api-ref/source/apis/add-on_management/installing_an_add-on_instance.rst
The addon .spec.values object…
The flashrom plugin isn't being loaded for all of our models; I can't figure out why:
StarBook Mk VI:
$ sudo fwupdtool hwids
Loading… [* …
I made a script, for AdvancedMacros mod, that logs encryption keys used to a file named `keylog.log`:
KEY E6FEFDA27AF6D290002EC7BC9F62E8F5 FOR [id: 0xad1ae36a, L:/ - R:mc.hypix…
_From @joelgriffith on August 7, 2017 17:40_
When launching Chrome (at 62) it prints the special "browser" target to connect to:
DevTools listening on ws://…
**rust-analyzer version**: `rust-analyzer version: 0.3.1285-standalone (45ec315e0 2022-11-11)`
**rustc version**: `rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)`
**relevant settings**: None that I can…
While trying to use the package, I've stumbled on an issue. Special characters and emojis cannot be transformed because they aren't UTF-8 characters
panic: runtime error: index out of range [64] with length 6…