Feature request to limit the zoom of choropleth-maps.
Because there are no axis I recommend limit the scaling factor. This could be dome e.g. by introducing two new setting `minScale` and `maxScale…
In Choropleth Map how can I detect the clicked state (states in the US) and also how can I enable multiple states click
It may be more helpful to view data at the state level by coloring the counties choropleth style to show the number of casualties from each, with the ability to explore the dataset more fully by click…
An interactive choropleth heat map would be awesome (i.e. hovering over US states and viewing their population via the `Crosshair` component)
Here is an example: https://www.amcharts.com/demos/us-h…
When rendering a choropleth chart with a ColorScale legend, the display looks bugged if the chart has some padding. The color scale does not seems affected by the padding, but the values next to t…
Illustrate a similar idea using Plotly or another charting library.
rolyp updated
3 years ago
How difficult would it be to port to `ggvis` Vega's ability to make choropleth maps (http://trifacta.github.io/vega/editor/index.html?spec=choropleth)?
mdaku updated
5 years ago
We would like to use folium to create choropleths in more than one language. So far (unless I am missing something), it appears that folium is using the system localization to set the language format…