I have a suggestion for the addition of chromatic intervals to
mingus.core.intervals (to allow for chromaticism within a key):
Diminished intervals:
Diminished First (d1) Negative one half ste…
**Describe the bug**
I have an element in my UI that i wrap with a span that has the `data-chromatic=ignore` attribute so that I don't get diffs on it since that value can change daily (it displays a…
I have a suggestion for the addition of chromatic intervals to
mingus.core.intervals (to allow for chromaticism within a key):
Diminished intervals:
Diminished First (d1) Negative one half ste…
### Describe the solution you'd like
[Chromatic](https://www.chromatic.com/) is useful for visual testing and can be used as a step in CI.
A free account should be more than enough @fakepixels
I have a suggestion for the addition of chromatic intervals to
mingus.core.intervals (to allow for chromaticism within a key):
Diminished intervals:
Diminished First (d1) Negative one half ste…
I want to correct the Chromatic aberration, but unsure what to start. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks!
One of the topics of Core JS meeting at May 5th was [using Chromatic in Gutenberg](https://app.slack.com/client/T024MFP4J/C5UNMSU4R/thread/C5UNMSU4R-1588687414.474300). I signed up and tested it with …
When are you gonna release the Ankha chromatic (If you ever will)? Because all of your other mod's chroms are released except for Ankha's. Unless you deleted Ankha's chromatic after making Camel and i…
The Chromatic Enchanter only shows "1 Up" and "XP Boost" in the selection UI (the `` buttons).
Many other enchantments are available when searching, but even then there seem to be exceptions - from w…
- how to set up a storybook project
- you can import files into the preview that can be used by your stories, like css files
## composite components
composite components are components that use o…