I have a Hyprland setup with my fabric bar called with `exec = python ~/.garden/fabric/bar.py`. Whenever hypridle runs `on-timeout = hyprctl dispatch dpms off` and then `on-resume = hyprctl dispatch d…
## Describe the bug
I downloaded the values.yaml from here: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/longhorn/longhorn
I've searched this one:
kubeletRootDir: ~
I've replaced b…
**Describe the bug**
ArmCord appears to be continually scanning through /proc. Under Ubuntu, when ArmCord is installed via a snap, AppArmor objects to ArmCord's attempts to open the /proc/*/cmdline f…
**Describe the bug**
lintian complains about the man pages in the Debian/Ubuntu package:
W: dracut-core: groff-message troff::1006: warning [p 9, 1.2i]: cannot break line [usr/share/man/man…
**Describe the bug**
It seems that without systemd, failing hooks will abort the startup. With systemd, it doesn't seem to happen (and this line suggests so too https://github.com/dracut-ng/dracut-ng…
Greetings team @ProtonWallet!
Hi! I'm Danny and I work with walletscrutiny.com. We verify the reproducibility of Bitcoin apps and devices.
We have scrutinized over 6000+ bitcoin-related apps and…
My packaged Unreal project crashes on startup when the plugin is enabled.
This is the callstack of the crash:
Game-Win64-Debug.exe!__delayLoadHelper2(const ImgDelayDescr * pidd, __int64(*)()…
Due to the way systemd-pcrlock works, the current system boot has to be reflected by pcrlock.d components as well, so that it can match the current event log entries to components. Currently sdbootuti…
Hi Matthias,
ich habe eben im etcd Code und woanders auch gesehen, dass viele Code fuer CLI in ein Verzeichnis `cmd/mytool/main.go` packen und dort auf die library zugreifen.
ausserdem habe ich …
Seen in https://jenkins.scylladb.com/job/scylla-master/job/scylla-ci/11852/testReport/junit/(root)/test_tablets/test_read_of_pending_replica_during_migration_true__dev_2_8/
Zipped logs: [test_read_…