I saw that CodeHub can show the file changes given a commit. But I don't know how to view the file changes given a pull request. Is this supported?
Authorize button is disabled.
ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
info - Loaded env from D:\Codehub\taxonomy\.env.local
error - Failed to load next.config.mjs, see more info here https://nextjs.or…
I have lots of formula to show, can these show in CodeHub?
How can we remove the dark mode in CodeHub. This looks so bad.
Hey @dalepotter @anidroid, pleasure meeting you guys the other night at the Python dojo. Up for grabbing a beer and a fun hack on this code again some time if you fancy it!
It's a tough …
If you have CodeHub installed on two devices, might it be feasible to synchronise user settings?
e.g. Repositories pinned to the sidebar.
Is CodeHub compatible that features?
Especially I concern about review comment. I can see normal comment but can't see the comment of review feature.