## Vectorized Knowledge
Large language models are trained on general corpora and without fine-tuning on user-specific data, they struggle to utilize user-related context effectively.
Users accumu…
@ngcharithperera [commented](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cogai/2020Nov/0000.html):
> (1) I wasn't sure how to visualise 'modules' in related to Figure 1. In your figure 1, are modules…
I am a beginner in the field of deep learning. I have been working on classification problem using Microsoft CNTK. I have studied your paper about shakeout and I want to replace "Dropout" layers in my…
This is a proposal for a simplified approach to graphs and rules that operate on them, using ideas that have been developed over many decades in the field of Cognitive Psychology. The starting point i…
### Title
Spyking AI
This project aims to build a Tensorflow wrapper to build and train spiking neuron arrays connected though hebbian conections. This tool is proposed to study neural mechanis…
#### Description
**Objective:** The purpose of this GitHub issue is to collaboratively define and articulate the vision and mission of our organization. Additionally, we aim to provide clear descript…
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Will they keep updating CI3?
I would like to throw in some idea's for cell variants, I used GPT to work out the mechanics in more details.
**Logic Gate Cell**
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