# Contribution Guidelines
1. **Initial Setup**
- Clone the repository: `git clone `
2. **Update Local Content**
- Ensure you’re up to date with the development branch:
git ch…
Having us write our own function codes that already exist in Python was extremely difficult and note really needed. In my opinion it was kind of pointless to re-write function codes that already exis…
It's common in computational physics (including fluid dynamics) for a solver to transform all quantities in terms of reference scales in order to improve conditioning of matrices that will arise. This…
OpenSSL's implementation was not constant time and could be attacked by an otherwise unprivileged attacker with code execution [resulting in secret disclosure ](https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/553).
The zeroinflated models have not been reviewed for computational efficiency in loglike and similar.
(My review before merging was mainly functional.)
- hessian uses double loop (but for triangle, …
I get an error in Line 89:
`return algebra.norm_inf( x_err );` cant convert std::complex to double
i attempted to work around this by inserted a abs()
`return abs(algebra.norm_inf( x_err )); `
At the moment Pikelet doe not do anything useful. In order to be more useful, we probably need some form of way to perform effects.
Initially we could use an `Io : Type -> Type` wrapper type for th…
Currently the innovations are drawn in the following way:
innovations = np.random.multivariate_normal(...)
This process is quite slow and consumes a lot of computational resources. It also …
Unless I misunderstand something, this must be True and ``get_ring()`` method for AlgebraicField must point to it's ring of algebraic integers.
## Description:
This issue proposes an enhancement to the Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KAN) architecture that involves the development of an automated method for converting trained models into symboli…