Your research states the mean onset-to-death time as 17.8 days, however there are a few instances of the code in this repository where you use 18.8 instead of 17.8. I assume these are typos?
It looks like % Positive is always x.x% in the table line of the Tampa Report page.
The ascertainment bias is a bit outdated for most places - it would be fabulous to have a slider with a few options
Hi, there seems to be an issue with the values returned for confirmed cases.
This affects the following API endpoints (mainly time-series data):
1. https://covid19.mathdro.id/api/daily/4-13-2020 -…
Now returns an error that a token is required
I’ve been tracking and parsing the data released by the Florida DOH at http://github.com/gadenbuie/covid19-florida.
The repo is part historical record of the numbers reported by FLDOH and partly an…
Hi! I noticed that CU incident death doesn't show up on your visualization. Thanks to Johannes's update, our files do included these projections - just making sure you know. Please let me know if y…
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