你好,用作者给的train data 训练ocr,还是用自己做的数据集训练ocr, loss 一直在降,但是predict的结果一直为空,准确率为0,请问是为什么呢?感谢!
Error while make in cmake fashion. Complains
> cuda_compile_generated_ctc_loss_layer.cu.o' failed
cmake Log
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 5.4.0
-- The CXX compiler identificati…
I have some variable saved from crnn-pytorch, which runs on gpu and uses warp-ctc. Then I use those variables in my code, I can run it on cpu and the results are correct. But when I run it on gpu, I g…
I am following the pytorch implementation. I couldnt find any support for beam search decoding in either of the implementations. Does the decoding by default use beam search?
我生成了5w的样本,4w做训练,1w做测试,accuracy为0,可能的原因是什么呢,还有就是你的accuracy和ctc loss分别是什么呢
Hello, I'm using a aws instance with 4 gpus and when activated (in the params.py file - True multigpu and 4 for the number) I get the following error: (P.S: For 4, 3, 2 and even 1 which is incomprehen…
### Bug description
when I run the following code, the training time of the epoch will increase epoch by epoch. For example, the first epoch takes 3:39 min, and the second on takes 4:21min, and the t…
Hi @yalecyu ,
Thanks for sharing your code! I have trained the number of 0~9, and the test result is very effective.
But I can not train the 36 Alpha by "0~9 + A~Z"!
The maximum length of my charac…