E.g. [android-chrome-192x192.png](https://github.com/csaf-poc/csaf_webview/blob/main/static/android-chrome-192x192.png) does not have a proper license. [android-chrome-192x192.png.license](https://git…
During implementation of https://github.com/csaf-poc/csaf_distribution/, especially the checker, aggregator and downloader part, our team at Intevation found that CSAF standard and tool implementors c…
Currently (`v2.2.1-95-ga65fead`) the following output is produced when requesting a CSAF provider with only one empty feed:
Requirement 15: ROLIE feed (failed)
- WARN: No entries in https:/…
There are several ways to structure data transmission. CSAF currently suggests the providers to [use some traditional methods of distribution the directory listing of JSON files and ROLIE](https://doc…
Currently, it is hard to debug the `csaf_provider` as it needs to be called (or at least it needs to think that it is called) through nginx. To aid in the development, we need to document, how debuggi…
Currently there is no user accessible way to tell which version is served as a Github page.
That should be possible.
Is there a list of all changes that were made in the schemas between 1.2 and 2.0? Since the schema type changed from XSD to JSON, it's a bit difficult to review the 2.0 one to see what actually change…
The instrumentation is there -> https://oasis-open.github.io/csaf-documentation/tools.html which comes with a downloader: https://github.com/csaf-poc/csaf_distribution/blob/main/docs/csaf_downloader.m…
I would like to propose adding a signature / pubkey field to the csaf_2.0/json_schema to provide non-repudiation and some level of integrity verification of the claim.
This way it will allow assur…
Currently, we request also SHA256 even if a SHA512 was present in the ROLIE feed. We need to find a way to improve that.