Given CSS in the form of:
[data-theme="themename"] {
--variable: value;
--btn-variable: value;
CSS minification produces the following structure:
### Steps to reproduce
1. Open this link to live example: (required) https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/exciting-rhodes-zk9kwk
2. Enable css variables in the outer ThemeProvider
3. Nest a Th…
Based on the designed component library ((https://www.figma.com/design/GqRitUIyR77zZOmeSA1BsY/Canonizer-%3CUX-enhancement%3E?node-id=646-7262&t=6glvongkH8v0qnwQ-0)), we will create a master CSS file a…
- [x] Searched existing issues to avoid creating duplicates.
- [x] Confirmed that it can be reproduced in built-in themes without customized css.
If it only exists in 3rd party themes or css,…
This issue is for https://github.com/revolist/revogrid-column-select and this repo.
Currently, in dark theme, select menus and filtering look quite poor. You can see this by going to the official d…
## Description of the need
If a theme uses the Color module, all settings are forced into the left column while the preview for the color module takes up 2/3 of the page.
Through [prefers-color-scheme](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme).
**Describe the bug**
In TB Q4 2024 when a style is set for a TabStripItem, the application generates CSS selector that contains CSS class **k-tabstip-item** (note this class is different from the **k…
We're currently using a classless CSS framework called Paper.css (https://www.getpapercss.com/). This is very cute and folks like the "rough hand drawn" sketchy look. But we need a collection of possi…
ntoll updated
6 months ago
I've installed Redmine 6 and the theme is broken. Please see image below: