### Sass:
+transition(transform 400ms cubic-bezier(.01,.99,.62,.91), opacity 300ms cubic-bezier(.01,.99,.62,.91))
### Compass 0.13.alpha.4: ( as I expect it to be )
> The engine does not have a representation of ellipses yet. This issue is blocked until that is the case.
We need the ability to define [ellipses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse)…
**Issue by [redmunds](https://github.com/redmunds)**
_Monday Oct 07, 2013 at 18:10 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/pull/5440_
Reskin inline cubic bezier editor
**Issue by [redmunds](https://github.com/redmunds)**
_Friday Oct 25, 2013 at 16:32 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/pull/5688_
Squashed version of https://github.co…
Is there a way to store the particular cubic bezier so it works with import/export settings functionality ?
I was working with an SVG file and it had a degenerate cubic bezier command. The above test case reproduces the issue: Infinite recursion
Cubic Bézier curves need a Contains Point method so they can be hooked into the Geometry Path object hit testing algorithm.
![cubic bezier](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/16521931/221733…
Not sure what all of this is...
--transition-standard-easing: cubic-bezier(.4,.0,.2,1);
--transition-standard-in-time: .3s;
--transition-standard-out-time: .25s;
I recently published a blog post on [fitting cubic beziers]. For some applications, such as merging two beziers into one, it is sufficient. For other applications, the end goal is representation of th…
Stroking is unsupported on cubic bezier path segments:
// Add3 adds a cubic segment to the stroker.
func (k *stroker) Add3(b, c, d fixed.Point26_6) {
panic("freetype/raster: stroke unimplem…