Recently started using [helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) and I work quite a bit with cython.
For syntax highlighting with helix, it [needs a tree-sitter for the given language](https:/…
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched for [similar issues](https://github.com/isl-org/Open3D/issues).
- [X] For Python issues, I have tested with the [latest development wheel](https://www.open3d.org/d…
I'm currently trying to add CuPy support to one of my packages, and it would be very useful if there was a cython level interface. Since I'd mostly like to replace BLAS with GPU support, I w…
**Describe the bug**
There are a few paths through which the interchange exits. The regular shutdown path, driven by the DFK, is to send a SIGTERM which immediately kills the process.
Another rare…
Thanks for making this repo!
I was able to successfully compile 3.6.13, and to my understanding, what this does is compile a wasm library of python which can then be compiled as a bundled…
After running ./scripts/run_docker_cpu.sh python tools/evolution.py --cfg ./configs/evo/ft_test.yml NODE_ID 0
When attempting to install this library, I ran into cython build errors when doing `pip3 install -e .`
It seems like the commit made on Dec 2023 introduced the following code:
cpdef void setupF…
I used to use https://github.com/Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent for python indentation, and it worked for both Python and Cython. After I transition to Treesittter Indentation, there's a lot less lag, …
**Attempting to pip install insightface gets me this error message**
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the…
When attempting to install PyYAML from sources with [Cython 3.0.0a10](https://cython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/src/changes.html#alpha-10-2022-01-06), e.g. like so:
`pip install --pre -v git+https://…