Currently trying to export to pdf and to excel but i keep getting on the logs
`ERROR -- : user=5 undefined method `path' for nil:NilClass: undefined method `path' for nil:NilClass`
Running …
When I try to execute the seeder it shows the error message:
if (VALID_OPTIONS.indexOf(key) === -1) throw new Error(`\`${key}\` is an invalid option.`);
Can you please share the sample database or database seeder or guide me how to setup admin account?
Since Laravel8, seeders have been moved to `database/seeders`
See here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/seeding
However currently the migration creation file tries to create the seeder at:
I found an issue with the countries:migration laravel command excecution. I have fixed it chanching the seeds forder for seeders folder name. In the /vendor/webpatser/laravel-countries/src/commands/Mi…
Should the Factories work? I get this error:
`Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::usingModel()`
The entry ends up in the local dynamodb but an error is thrown.
**Issue type:**
[ ] question
[ ] bug report
[x] feature request
[ ] documentation issue
**Database system/driver:**
[ ] `cordova`
[x] `mongodb`
[x] `mssql`
[x] `mysql` / `mariadb`
[x] …
### Package
### Package Version
### Laravel Version
### Livewire Version
### PHP Version
PHP 8.2.22
### Problem description
Today I ran into a situation that the Statamic Control Panel was not working, due to a NavItem object not being able to successfully call the function resolveChildren(). The exact error was as follows…
## 🛠️ Tooling
Currently running the database seeder truncates the user table. This is inconvenient when it runs on dev and wipes out existing team members accounts. It would be nice if it can skip t…