`$faker->optional()` is only getting called ONE time per Seeder. So the results are either ALL filled or ALL empty instead of healthy mix of each.
## Problem
#### Isolated example:
``` php
Got a error with completely valid code:
ERROR: [InvalidArrayOffset](https://psalm.dev/115) - 25:36 - Cannot access value on variable $links using a int offset, expecting int
When I try to execute the seeder it shows the error message:
if (VALID_OPTIONS.indexOf(key) === -1) throw new Error(`\`${key}\` is an invalid option.`);
Can you please share the sample database or database seeder or guide me how to setup admin account?
Since Laravel8, seeders have been moved to `database/seeders`
See here: https://laravel.com/docs/8.x/seeding
However currently the migration creation file tries to create the seeder at:
I found an issue with the countries:migration laravel command excecution. I have fixed it chanching the seeds forder for seeders folder name. In the /vendor/webpatser/laravel-countries/src/commands/Mi…
### Package
### Package Version
### Laravel Version
### Livewire Version
### PHP Version
PHP 8.2.22
### Problem description
**Issue type:**
[ ] question
[ ] bug report
[x] feature request
[ ] documentation issue
**Database system/driver:**
[ ] `cordova`
[x] `mongodb`
[x] `mssql`
[x] `mysql` / `mariadb`
[x] …
Should the Factories work? I get this error:
`Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::usingModel()`
The entry ends up in the local dynamodb but an error is thrown.