# 개발자를 위한 번역 툴 추천 (Trancy, 네이버 영어사전, DeepL)
언어의 장벽을 뛰어넘는 개발자가 되기 위해 꼭 필요한 3가지 무료 번역 툴을 소개해드리겠습니다. 이 도구를 통해 영어로 된 문서를 더 쉽게 이해하고, 더 많은 정보를 습득하는 데 도움을 얻으시길 바랍니다.
Update the new [Developer Site](https://developer.connect.gov.bc.ca/en-CA) to integrate the Service BC Connect branding as reflected in the [Figma designs](https://www.figma.com/design/AlM7UTYIkABc6Ip…
BCAP should also consider the potential risks of developer capture. Bitcoin's development community is diverse, but with Bitcoin Core acting as the de facto reference client, the power dynamics around…
Description: Certain links in the DG are broken(Documentation guide, Testing guide, Logging guide
Configuration guide, DevOps guide links), causing inconvenience to readers trying to read the differen…
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
### Prerequisite
We are looking forward to having you on our team. Please make sure to attend the general Hack for LA onboarding to get the process started https://meetup.com/hackforla/events.
@minminmail has indicated that the data stream produced by the component is too intensive and thus unfit for development purposes. Thus, we need to add a "developer mode" (via e.g. deployment env var…
### Description
Hello! We were requested to update the developer docs from Megan Driscoll. There are two sections we are updating, the Trust Chain information and the Contacts.
Trust Chain updates: