I noticed some lag when I use Picasso in a DialogFragment vs an Activity. I am loading URIs such as this: android.resource://com.skykonig.acornicons/drawable/appdrawer6
Running on my Nexus5 with Mars…
Hello, I am having a problem with the orientation on the DialogFragment objects when using the library with the EditTextWithCustomError to set an error.
This is the xml I am inflating :
**Description:** My aim is to create a MaterialDatePicker dialogfragment but instead of displaying as a dialog to use it as a normal embedded fragment
**Expected behavior:** The datepicker to work …
Parent #18911
This issue is about adding replacing `findViewById(...)` with [ViewBinding](https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding) to as many Java-related `DialogFragment` classe…
### Describe your environment
Android Studio version: 4.1 RC 1
Firebase Component: Firebase Authentication
Component version: 19.3.2
### Describe the problem
Hello. I have the problem.
This library is working well with Fragment, but not DialogFragment. How to solve this issue?
Hi, thanks for the library. It's really cool. But I have some troubles with your library in DialogFragment.
I have black screen before video start. It is appear for a second, after that video start.…
I have dialog fragment which saves/sets the creditcard information programmatically. Everything works ok but the show the saved creditcard info.
I'm using this line of code to set creditcard programm…
It can be useful to have an annotation for custom xml attributes in `@EView`, `@EActivity`, `@EFragment`, `@EViewGroup` (else?).
naixx updated
7 years ago
``` kotlin
private suspend fun addUserToCompany() {
val userId = binding?.edUserIdInput?.text.toString()
val userRole = when (binding?.actvChooseUserRole?.text.toString()) {