hey nahamsec your tool is awesome. i love your tool. but in latest update when i run your tool or when massdns scan is start my internet is stop. even i check in different os and network. i face same …
Hi, here are several features that we need to create in the future
- [x] HTML report (#827)
- [x] SQLite report (#1011)
- [x] XML report (#525)
- [x] Markdown report (#553)
- [x] CSV report (#5…
ghost updated
5 months ago
**I hope this message finds you well. First of all, I want to express my appreciation for dirsearch; it's a fantastic tool for web directory scanning.
I have been using dirsearch for some time now …
Absolutely loving the new crawling behaviour! Especially with Spidy no longer working on Python 3.10!
Just found an issue where the base path is not included as a source for the crawler. I've creat…
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██║ ███████║ ███╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██████╔╝█…
Hope to have the same directory scanning function as ffuf, feroxbuster, dirsearch, gobuster and other tools
1. 希望能对某些页面进行截图, 方便人工验证,(尤其是匹配到关键字"后台","管理"等.
2. 希望能支持 多子域+多fuzzpath的场景, 并且请求能均衡发送.
针对第二点,目前的方法是先用dirsearch fuzz出来的path, 筛选成list , 然后list加到一个string里面再用subprocess调用crawlergo, 这样的弊端也很显然.
-o /path/to/save-dir it will autosave and rename output file to whatever you put in -u
ex: -u https://apple.com will auto save to /path/to/save-dir/apple.com_date.html
ex: -u https://apple.com/…