`conf-autoconf` is included as a dependency in https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/blob/86961ac6d7505a361cd605968329990033691c57/packages/stdcompat/stdcompat.19/opam#L13
It isn't needed; I can…
help me, I'm currently installing OCaml software but the program repetitively crashes down.
I'll put my error log here, so please help me.
I already have MSVC 2022 and Git for Windows installed. According to [Microsoft](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/porting/binary-compat-2015-2017?view=msvc-170#restrictions), MSVC 2015 through 20…
Although it is safer to ignore prior variables during an install, OPAMROOT should be settable to another location to save space.
Perhaps make it a variable in a sexp file with a USERNAME wildcard s…
I've update the dkml to `1.2.1-10`:
But run command `with-dkml opam switch create idedev2 --repos 'default,diskuv-1.2.1-10=git+https://github.com/diskuv/diskuv-opam-repository.git#1.2.1-10' 4.1…
## Expected Behavior
This is a continuation of https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/6919 which is still unresolved. Instead of trying to fix it myself, better to leave a bug report.
I will use `…
Setup did not complete because an error occurred.
Win32 command failed! Exited with 1. Command was: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c call "C:\Users\Shivam\AppData\Local\Temp\PA23A4~1\0\inotify-win\comp…
I'm running OCaml on Windows using Diskuv OCaml. I had some trouble getting syntax highlighting working in VS Code since ocamllsp couldn't find Stdlib (diskuv/dkml-installer-ocaml#30), despite the sta…
just installed the windows 64-bit native installer. It seemed to work (I can execute utop) but when I execute this :
dune --help
I get :
'dune' n’est pas reconnu en tant que commande…
Hello, I cannot link the code when using mingw / windows.
The function [memmem](https://github.com/janestreet/base_bigstring/blob/master/src/base_bigstring_stubs.c#L240) is not implemented in mingw…