jobids = {"photographer":6445,"Office Manager":3238,"HR":18993,"ASP.NET Developer":11854,"Sales/Consultant":1525,"Administrative Assistant":14386,"Graphic Designer":14585,"Software Engineer":413,…
I trained a doc2vec model on the [large movie review dataset](http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/) and then tried to use UMAP to reduce the dimensions of the resulting document vectors. I ha…
gclen updated
3 years ago
I did not managed to reproduce the example graph in the readme :
the one that preceed :
Hello, would you be interested in trying out this package: https://github.com/bnosac/doc2vec
I need a few testers before putting it on cran, you seem to have used word2vec::doc2vec recently so I thin…
- Doc2vecを他のモデルに置き換えてみる
- Doc2vecの文書類似度の精度が不安定なため
Your great work helped me a lot.
But we have met some problems in using gensim.models.doc2vec to extract node features.
Can you show more details in using gensim.models.doc2vec?
I will really appre…
Currently, we're using doc2vec. We should evaluate and compare at least word2vec and doc2vec, and optionally also:
- https://bitbucket.org/omerlevy/hyperwords
- https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glo…
Hi, it seems that the format of these datasets is not consistent with the original data, so could you please send me a copy of the processed data (including the nus_wide_deep_doc2vec_data_42941.h5py a…
I am trying to run the pre-trained system and get the labels but I got an error below:
>>> python get_labels.py -cg -us -s
Extracting candidate labels
Is there a way to scale up doc2vec gensim implementation using pypark? I have looked at word2vec implementation using deepdist (http://deepdist.com/). Is it as straight forward as replacing the word2v…