Easymotion supports bi-directional movement within a line. I frequently use this when I work on the terminal. It would be nice to have this in vscode also.
How to modify
`"vim.easymotionJumpToAnywhereRegex": \\b[A-Za-z0-9]|[A-Za-z0-9]\\b|_.|#.|[a-z][A-Z]`
to match square and round brackets?
Thank you!
**Describe the bug**
highlight disappear after running a vim-easymotion action
**To Reproduce**
1. with text highlighted
2. run easymotion command, in my case "w"
whtih "nmap w (easymoti…
I have no idea when this started happening. But to be fair, I hadn't used the extension between when I opened #5 and until a couple weeks ago when I noticed this, but was too busy to open this ticket.…
I use the following mappings:
" easymotion
map s (easymotion-sl)
map f (easymotion-fl)
map F (easymotion-Fl)
map t (easymotion-tl)
map T (easymotion-Tl)
map b (easymotion-bl)
map e (…
As of its 2.0 release, Vim's EasyMotion plugin allows you to [jump the cursor in a certain direction](https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion#hjkl-motions):
**Describe the feature**
The current preview of easymotion has too much redundant information as you can see in the below screenshot:
"(cursor)set easymotion"
First operation "**dfo**" is fine
But second operation "**d\\fmoa**" doesn't work well. The string "set easym" is not deleted, but selected and The bottom right corner shows…
I currently have my easymotion keys set as like so:
This way, when I press the map for `(easymotion-s)`, the target letters appear alphabet…
A nice feature would be the two letter search as in the original Vim easy-motion: https://github.com/easymotion/vim-easymotion#2-character-search-motion