**Describe the bug 🐛**
i'm using algolia search and instant search library in my project, The problem is that when i set the searchMode to AsYouType the search works perfectly fine and i get the expe…
Tried to use this with Edittext, since Edittext is extended from TextView, it is expected that the working will be fine. Any help ?
I need the same functionality to Views like EditText, RadioButton, C…
Создание сообщения с разметкой MarkdownV2 и HTML работает и отображается корректно, но при редактировании уже отправленного сообщения работает только разметка HTML, при выборе MarkdownV2 сообщение не …
FYI, I am trying to find a way to create an editText and then immediately focus it for key input. Currently reading source code for Urho3D to see if this is even possible in the library.
I am trying to use editText in the floating layout but I first keyboard doesn't open (solve it already) second even when the keyboard is opened can't type in these editTexts
If you try to type too quickly, apparently masked edittext fails to process input in time, becomes inactive and skips input completely, resulting in laggy, slow performance.
Logcat messages when it h…
`EditText`s (and generally `TextView`s that have backgrounds with padding) tend to behave funny when their padding is set explicitly. In particular, `EditText`s turn out to be measured differently whe…
I'm trying to use MagicTextView as a EditText. Since EditText derives from TextView, I thought it should be straight forward and I should simply change MagicTextView base class from TextView to EditTe…
From test cases, you find edittext view by calling function driver.findElement(By.name("Customer id")). Could you elaborate how you are using this function to refer to the edittext view component with…