We're getting sites submitted that are based on Elgg 1.7. With the upcoming release of 1.9, there I'd hate people to look at a 1.7 site--even a well made one--and think that's current Elgg.
In elgg 1.8b2 whenever you try to access to the following activity stream the system shows the error message "Deprecated in 1.0: Use elgg_register_menu_item() to register for the title menu"
see https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/Elgg/Elgg/issues/1.x/files/engine/classes/ElggMemcache.php?selectedSeverities%5B0%5D=5&orderField=path&order=asc&issueId=91b418df-5da2-4aee-8f7a-b3bf3db1a8c2
It is us…
Don't know if this is just elgg.org or if elgg/elgg master
Hi, first we are very excited that you have been doing such great work on the kaltura plugin.
I wanted to point you to this version that we had condiminds extend for us
Compliment of the season. I need help to make this theme elgg 1.9 compatible. The jquery pop up does not work at all! Pls, how do I make that function compatible in elgg 1.9, thanks.
the way that the coldtrick friend_request plugin renders friend requests has changed now, so that the extendafriend plugin causes the requests to not be displayed to users.
My interconnect plugin is not showing share buttons in all pages at side bar. I tried to figure our why it's not showing. I noted that the sidebar/interconnection says ..
Getting the following error in Elgg 6.1.0
`ELGG.ERROR: RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__c…
Do you plan to functionally update this plugin for elgg 3.3.x ?
Big thank you for your response and for all your work.