**Problem Description**
**In order to** ensure the required level of data security, the ITVR system **needs to** exchange applicant information with the CRA via their FTP system without manual interv…
"Nancy N over in EMLI is in a strategic policy area that's working with an Agile dev team, so may have insights" - Adrienne
## Desired Behavior
We would like to recommend Dune `(dialect)` for converting eml files to ML, which would be a major improvement (see https://github.com/aantron/dream/pull/228). However, th…
**As an** ALC administrative user of NRPTI, **I want** the ALC inspection data to be imported and published automatically **so that** I don't need to take manual steps to import data and can use my ti…
**As a** *Service Owner* **I want** *to enable scheduled importing of data from NRIS-EMLI* **So That** *I can view that data in NRCED, NRPTI, and BCMI*.
**Additional Context**
- NRIS-EMLI is an exter…
## Desired Behavior
Dream currently recommends `.eml.ml` files, to take advantage of partial syntax highlighting of their ML parts. This is currently not possible with `(dialect)`:
User Story:
As an administrative user of NRPTI, I want to be able to update Issuing Agency values in UIs, importers and records when ministry names change so that I do not have to submit a development…
As an Ministry user ,
I want to see only engagement specific to my ministry
url must be matched to a specific tenant e.g.:
met.gov.bc.ca/gdx - only shows gdx data
met.gov.bc.ca/emli - only shows emli data
what happens if only the generic site is accessed (met.gov.bc.ca…
As a Super Admin i want to be able to upload a logo to a Tenant so that the site has the branding I want.