Some sites may have disabled the Jetpack JSON API module, meaning that we can't search their users for purposes of user removal:
markd@MBP14 team51-cli % BEARER='[REDACTED_TOKEN]'; curl -sH 'A…
Κάτι πάει λάθος με το config του server το οποίο έφερνε ποια κριτήρια είναι mandatory (άρα selected και grayed out ώστε να μη μπορεί να τα ξε-τσεκάρει ο χρήστης) ή pre-selected (απλά selected αλλά μπο…
I'm trying to get information about 3 criteria from eCertis.
This info is from taxonomy:
- envir-law a80ddb62-d25b-4e4e-ae22-3968460dc0a9
- socsec-law a261a395-ed17-4939-9c75-b9ff1109ca6e
- l…
We welcome measures to ensure improvements in OJEU notices, some of which are considered in the draft eFORMS project (e.g. better quality of information and services, added flexibility, and ease of us…
Looking at the [current codelist for financial ratio](https://github.com/OP-TED/ESPD-EDM/blob/main/codelists/gc/FinancialRatioType.gc), it seems the issue mentioned in https://github.com/OP-TED/ESPD-E…
Hi, I also noticed that these 2 tags xml:
- cac:TenderingCriterionProperty -> cbc:QuantityUnitCode
- cac:TenderingCriterionProperty -> cbc:ExpectedQuantity
are present in the xml example f…
In the Working Group meeting about Collecting eSubmission requirements for ePO on 16/1/2024, while going through UBL terms from [ESPD-EDM Response Technical Overview](https://docs.ted.europa.eu/ESPD-E…
Hello ESPD team
In the context of the InterProc project, we are trying to understand how to implement the "Purely National EG" in ESPD version 3.x.x. According to the technical handbook and more sp…
For some criteria, the regulation does not require an evidence to be provided. Hence, Italy is proposing that the evidence group could be removed in the taxonomy criterion excel file for consistency p…