Hey all,
I'm using Infura's wss://ropsten.infura.io/_ws Ropsten websocket to listen to events from my contract server-side. I've noticed it works great until a period of inactivity. Then I get the …
Would be cool to support this hardware wallet:
Currently blocked by #3249
How can I import my previous geth/Ethereuem wallet account into parity? I have a backup of the keystore folder.
The docs say parity will automatically import geth accounts but if I restore this folde…
- [x] Implement Event Listener, `EventQueue`
- [x] Update `EventData` by ethereuem event emit
I'm not sure what are the current accept values, as the RPC docs don't state any. See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_transact
To unify the ethereum.js we need the rpc endpoint acc…
Just like callability!