I'm trying to run a workload using fairseq that should already have XLA support by setting `--tpu` and replacing `--fp16` with --`bf16` (https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq/tree/main) but I'm…
# Train a vanilla NMT model using [Fairseq](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq)
Using data above and standard [Fairseq](https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq) repository, you can get a pretrained NMT mo…
dsj96 updated
7 months ago
running build_ext
building 'fairseq.libbleu' extension
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": https://visualstudio.mi…
Hi,I am encountering an issue when trying to load a pre-trained OFAModel. The error message I receive is as follows:
Thank you for the great library. Very useful. I tried to install in my machine and it landed up in error. Can you please let me know if i am missing anything,?
ERROR: Command errored out with e…
All of the notebooks are broken.
1. Depends on this file, which is no longer…
Thanks for the useful tool. I am wondering if you have example of using fariseq model e.g. EN-DE and visualize its attention, embedding and Beam search. If no, then can you suggest as any starting poi…
when i run the dialogue code,it occurs
i run the personachat code
`fairseq-train DATA-BIN -a transformer --optimizer adam --lr 0.0001 -s cxt -t res --label-smoothing 0.1 --dropout 0.3 --max-tokens 4…
## Environment
conda conda 4.8.5
python 3.8.12
s3prl: (commit hash: e52439edaeb1a443e82960e6401ae6ab4241def6)
## Error Messsage
(testvenv) [vjsalt22@ln01-twnia2 s3prl]$ pip insta…
I got GENRE set up from your repo, but when I try to run it, I get this:
root@dec09fef21fa:/GENRE# python3 main.py --yago -i agolo-110823.benchmark.jsonl -o out.jsonl --split_iter -…