In this, python owe/run_open_world.py -t -c -d -- ,What does refer to?
I wonder what kind of file it is? And how should this file be obtained?
Hello, I am trying to replicate the steps to train and test the model. After performing the data processing and pretraining of embeddings, I keep encountering the following runtime error when trainin…
Thanks for the great work! Could you also share the KGC datasets fb15k-237 and WN18RR (the same format as wikidata5m)? BTW, I also see the dataset codex-m in the shared data but did not find re…
Hi, i want to know how many time is needed for testing link prediction task?
I figured out that it will costs 1-2 days for WN18RR link prediction using A100. The utilization of gpu is 0%. And chan…
Hi, I am very interested in your paper especially the part about node indegree study. I have checked the FB15k-237 dataset, but I found that the indegree of nodes is almost less than 100. So please ca…
Hi, I'm interested in how to get the generated logic rules in Table 4 and Table 7 as your paper shows. And I can't find the relations in the dataset of FB15k-237 as what you have mentioned in Table 4 …
I change the model to point.rs.conve.
In fact, there doesn't exist error, but a userwanrning like follows:
_**_"‘UserWarning: RNN module weights are not part of single contiguous chunk of memory. T…
This is in comparison to pytorch geometric(some datasets might need to be re verified since they might be implemented in umbrella datasets like OGB):
- [x] Chickenpox
- [x] CiteSeer
- [x] Cora
Hello, I need a lot of time in the process of obtaining new _ dev.dict of fb15k-237 data set. Note that there is new _ dev.dict of wn18rr data set in your file, but there is no new _ dev.dict of fb15k…