henix updated
11 years ago
## 🚀 Feature
A 2D binary indexed tree, also known as a 2D Fenwick tree, is a data structure which can update elements and calculate sum queries efficiently.
### Have you read the Contribution Gu…
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef complex cd;
typedef pair ii;
typedef tuple iii;
typedef vector vi;
typedef vector vii;
# Progress Tracker
## DSA
- [x] Complete Git & GitHub Course
- [x] Introduction to Programming
- - [x] Types of languages
- - [x] Memory management
- [x] Flow of the program
From what I can think of at the moment,
Here is a list of recommendations for your list:
Generally speaking, the section on graph needs more contents IMO.
- Connected Components (Keywords: Kosaraju…
- [ ] https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc329/tasks/abc329_f (Potentialized DisjointSetUnion)
- [ ] https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc312/tasks/abc312_c (BinarySearch)
- [ ] https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc3…
There is a big discussion (https://discourse.julialang.org/t/offsetarrays-inbounds-and-confusion/81295) on discourse about why it is a bad idea to iterate over an `AbstractVector`, say `a`, using `for…
- [x] MultiIndex
- [ ] CompositeIndex
- [x] MultiSet
- [x] MultiMap
- [x] InvertedIndex
- [ ] SearchIndex
- [x] Fuzzy?
- [ ] Deque
- [x] BloomFilter
- [ ] DoublyLinkedList
- [ ] SuffixTree
## 问题
在现在的内容下,很多页面的 [hover-preview](https://github.com/OI-wiki/gatsby-oi-wiki/issues/203) 展现的信息是无用的。
## 期望的解决方法
ouuan updated
3 years ago
## Description:
- Used for range queries and updates.
- Segment Tree: Handles range queries like sum, min, or max over a range in O(log n) time.
- Fenwick Tree: Similar to segment trees but simpler…