In voc_tarin.py, you filter out the image that include noval categories using function 'filte_multi_class'. Is that right?
What is the reason for filtering? And what are the effects if you d…
When I read the mask image, I found that the category corresponding to the mask obtained by reading does not correspond to the category of the coco dataset. How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for open sourcing your repo. I would be interested in using FSOD with mask rcnn. I think the instruction in the README is about object detection, rather than image segmentation. Could you provi…
Hi Yang-Bob,
I train PMM and RPMM model based on our dateset, but the miou is low about 0.1. One example(two defect) of our dataset as follow:
### 上周工作
2、昨天开完会,感觉之前看论文的重点有点偏,今天重新看了Semantic Segmentation for Line Drawing Vectorization Using Neural Networks这篇论文,对这篇文章的创新点,背景,需要解决的问题以及所使用的方法进行了总结,这篇论文使用了残差…
## タイトル: Few-Shotインスタンスセグメンテーションのためのシンプルかつ統一的なベースライン:Reference Twice
## リンク: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.01156
## 概要:
サポートサンプルが限られた状況で、新しいクラスの物体検出とセグメンテーションを行うFew-Shot Instance Segmentation (FSIS)は…
### Problem
Hello! I am having trouble getting the bullet points to work on my sphinx_rtd_theme project. I updated my conda environment and it seems that the bullet points were one of the things th…
### 本周工作
1、看论文 Semantic Segmentation for Line Drawing Vectorization Using Neural Networks
I have time series images of neural progenitor cells that I have trained on the Mask R-CNN model for segmentation. Inspecting the model using Matterport's 'Inspect_Model" Jupyter Notebook gave pretty …
Hi, very excellent work. Thanks for the code, it's very helpful and instructive!I want to study your code structure, but I don't know how to use pycharm to debug your code.