Nella scheda del film sociale:
- deve essere mostrato il numero delle reviews.
- deve essere mostrata la lista delle reviews ordinata per punteggio. Ogni
review deve avere lo username dell'autore…
## Value proposition
As a user
I want to read the average rating from users
In order to assess whether the film is good.
## Description
I think it would be good if when you select a file to load mplayerCE
displays some metadata about that file - e.g. a short description of the
contents and maybe a rating and other useful info
I think it would be good if when you select a file to load mplayerCE
displays some metadata about that file - e.g. a short description of the
contents and maybe a rating and other useful info
I think it would be good if when you select a file to load mplayerCE
displays some metadata about that file - e.g. a short description of the
contents and maybe a rating and other useful info
@wpmovielibrary/testers: Now here's a bit of a brainstorming before actually starting work on this plugin: what would you want to see in it? As I plan, it should have:
- Advanced ratings:
- Making
- [ ] `src/modules/borrows/borrows.module.ts`
> • No specific instructions can be provided without further details on the issue.
- [ ] `src/modules/film/film.service.ts`
> • No specifi…
I think it would be good if when you select a file to load mplayerCE
displays some metadata about that file - e.g. a short description of the
contents and maybe a rating and other useful info
Studio name: Imaginary Pixels
Kitsu version: 0.15.29
Production type: Feature film
While in Playlist, and in Live review room, when you use the Compare side-by-side function, the client is seein…
Chatterbot can be trained on scripted data, as I outlined in class. This can be basic stuff like greetings, but also online content from twitter [Documentation](http://chatterbot.readthedocs.io/en/sta…