I'm running the code using the example input GR018. I cloned the repo, set up conda environment and download fine-mapping tools and build the reference panel without errors. However, after …
I had problem with Trans-Phar while I was running focus, and it looks like this:
FOCUS v0.802
focus finemap
Dear all,
I have a question about how to prepare the 1000 Genome vcf files? Could you give me an example?
Thank you so much in advance
I installed focus yesterday and try to realize a finemapping analysis but I got the error next:
$ focus finemap ./GWASsum/SCZ_focus.sumstats ./LDref_1 focus.db --chr 1 --tissue blood…
Would it be possible to clarify the format of the summary statistics file needed for running slalom per-locus? IE necessary columns and their names? I can see in the WDL json file what I am …
Error in susie_suff_stat(XtX = XtX, Xty = Xty, n = n, yty = (n - 1) * :
The estimated prior variance is unreasonably large.
This is usually caused by mismatch between the summary statistic…
To continue our in person discussion for a `dsc-setup` command: what it should do is to provide a one line command to setup a github friendly template for DSC. It should include the basic suggested sc…
Hi, I'm running into an error related to the prior_chisq argument for fine_map(). Just installed, working with python 3.7.3. Any suggestions would be welcome!
FOCUS v0.802
Dear Team,
I am trying to run the fine-mapping-inf. Thanks for the fantastic software.
I have used the command below to generate LD files.
plink --bfile /gpfs/scratch/najeeb/VCFAfilesAnnotat…
Some fine-mapping tools are designed only for case-control studies (e.g GWAS) and can produce biased results if applied with quantitative traits (e.g. height) without further adjustments.