命令:!python3.8 finetune_speaker_v2.py -m "./OUTPUT_MODEL" --max_epochs 1000 --drop_speaker_embed True
`INFO:OUTPUT_MODEL:{'train': {'log_interval': 10, 'eval_interval': 100, 'se…
\VITS-fast-fine-tuning>python finetune_speaker_v2.py -m ./OUTPUT_MODEL --max_epochs 1000 --drop_speaker_embed True
INFO:OUTPUT_MODEL:{'train': {'log_interval': 10, 'eval_interval': 100, 'see…
Hi, I encounter the same problem as in https://github.com/facebookresearch/LAMA/issues/10.
And I found the reason why 2 examples are filtered is that the `obj_label` are `1970s` and `1990s`. And in `…
I assume English has the `:pass` subtype on subjects/auxes, but not `:agent` on *by*-phrases, for historical reasons. We should probably add i…
We spend a lot of energy on [figuring out, what is or is not an event in UMR](https://github.com/ufal/UMR/blob/main/doc/eventive-concepts.md).
I'm starting to wonder what are the practical conseque…
This issue was created automatically with bugzilla2github
# Bugzilla Bug 1063
Date: 2011-06-18T01:45:34+02:00
From: Lene Antonsen <>
To: Trond Trosterud <>
CC: borre.gaup, @inga.l.mikk…
The guidelines list these under SYM: https://universaldependencies.org/u/pos/SYM.html
But I think PROPN would be more appropriate, for several reasons:
1. Most things tagged SYM are symbols, i.e…
While annotating another treebank, I had an extremely hard time deciding on the level of representation of Turkish _i_ (be) verb. Should morphology handle it or syntax? I believe neither in …