## Bug report
In-app testers' feedback feature is unable to take a screenshot of the Flutter app. Instead, a black rectangle is shown. Attaching an image from the gallery works as expected.
Here iā¦
I'm using the "Post to Slack" step in my workflow, and would like to post the testing uri from firebase to Slack so the testers can download the new app.
Firebase CLI returns three values when you diā¦
### Description
AppCheck fails in debug environment with Firebase 11.9.0, resulting in "Missing or insufficient permissions." when enforcing it through the dashboard.
### Reproducing the issue
- Usā¦
### Description
I'm wondering if is possible reduce the comments in asserts and string hardcoded that could have no impact in clients sdks, because they are for development purposes.
Doing this the ā¦
a little help here please, I don't understand what I'm missing
Run wzieba/Firebase-Distribution-Github-Action@v[1](https://github.com/sirkev/bookurtreat_demo/actions/runs/3846011045/jobs/6ā¦
In https://github.com/ably/ably-asset-tracking-android/pull/955 we introduce a new org-level secret called `ASSET_TRACKING_SDKS_GSERVICEACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY_JSON` which contains the private key for theā¦
func takeSnapshot(
with snapshotConfiguration: WKSnapshotConfiguration?,
completionHandler: @escaping @MainActor @Sendable (UIImage?, (any Error)?) -> Void
fastlane environment ā
### Stack
| Key | Value |
| --------------------------- | ---------------------------------ā¦
I read there was an issue with previous versions where GMS broke AppDistribution, and then AppDistribuā¦