Hi, I saw your presentation during the Zig show and got interested.
I love the idea of being able to have such high-level programming style in Zig.
But I've some hard time understanding the exampl…
Why are these lines referencing a donut? 🍩
FizzBuzz is a common problem to solve in python.
I solved it and uploaded the script.
Many people get stuck at this point:
else if (donut % 3 === 0)
## 설명
for와 if를 이용해 fizzbuzz를 수행하겠습니다 (15번 반복)
## Tasks
- [x] Do fizz
- [x] Do buzz
- [x] Do fizzbuzz
Se realiza compilación del programa fizzbuzz.py.
Debajo se detallarán errores de compilación.
Se realiza diseño fizzbuzz en pseudo código.
Se realiza test del programa fizzbuzz.py.
The very serious business managers of our serious business need extreme agile cloud native digital microservices. Please change your monolith to use extreme agile cloud native digital microservices in…
I ran into some troubles trying to code FizzBuzz in python during this workshop. I did not completely work out the logic beforehand, so it took a minute to debug.