During my work on [this PR](https://github.com/wellcometrust/policytool/pull/252) I ran locally for the 70 documents in the latest MSF scrape, using:
python -m policytool.refparse.refparse \
from flashtext import KeywordProcessor
#text = "@苍月轶 再次核实:骆然5月8日持24小时核酸从宜昌回蓉,到成都24小时内核酸一次,9号回泸定,24小时内又做一次核酸,均阴性,健康码绿码。宜昌不是
text = "成都到北京高铁3小时,郑州到成都2小时"
kp = KeywordProces…
Untuk melakukan stemming 87000 paragraf di i7, membutuhkan waktu ~ 24 jam.
Kecepatannya sekitar 500-1000 ms per paragraf.
Sepertinya ada potensi untuk optimisasi, tapi saya sendiri belum tahu. :D
Hi all, first thanks a lot for the great library you created, I really appreciate it!
When working with non-ascii characters I found a case, where the span returned by the `KeywordProcessor` is wro…
Hi !
Thanks for this project :)
It can be cool and amazing if you support the same algorithm from IBM Watson conversation when we activated the Fuzzy Matching Option (https://console.bluemix.n…
To extract mixed case-sensitive and case-insensitive keywords from text, is it possible to construct one keywordprocessor to handle both? Thanks,
it makes me confused.x axis is the number of pattern strings ? y axis is match one sentence need times?if i just want check wheather one sentence exist any keywords fast,should i use trie tree in c im…
Do you plan on creating keyword extraction for Vietnamese, I have tried RAKE, YAKE, KeyBert, TextRank, ... but the results are not promising.
keywordsList = ["java", "python"]
keyword_processor.add_keywords_from_list(keywordsList )
if the length of keywordsList is Million level,
keyword_processor.extract_keywords() will extracts nothi…