No command is defined, `:FixJson` and the other commands. I also managed to fix this issue by renaming the directory `ftplugin` to `plugin`, so I think you should put **vim-plug** and other vim plugin…
I try to add this
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin") && b:loaded_flake8_ftplugin == "primary") | q | endif
but it not work
I have noticed that when I open a java file in vim, the Java ftplugin does not change the value of the `include` option so that `include-search` would be able to search for keywords in imported files.…
bgx90 updated
6 years ago
Requires some generalization
Also, I don't think browserlink integration works like I thought it would. Using
the filetype enhancements from my fork of browserlink might be more reliable.
The idea is to borrow the lua ftplugin from:
And tack on the pico8 special sauce.
### Bug
Setting a custom `concealcursor` value in an after/ftplugin does not "stick" when a buffer is loaded via bufadd + bufload. Other values from the ftplugin _are_ set correctly.
- `nvim --v…
Probably Vundle does not load in ftplugin subdirectories. Consider renaming to tex_textobj-latex.vim for example.
At the moment the following serves:
if filereadable(expand("~/.vim/bundle/vim-te…
ALE supports putting per-language configuration in ftplugin files, which helps keep my global config tidy. LanguageClient should support this too.
Specifically, there should continue to be a global…
Cloned `nnn.vim` (the directory) into
In my `vimrc` I have added `/usr/local/share/vim` to my `runtimepath`.
Upon start of `vim` (but NOT of `gvim`!) …