JPEGs has an option would be great!
the maptiler 1.0.beta2 .deb release has a slightly newer version of gdal2tiles.py than either the mapti…
Dear fanvanzh!
I looking for 2 month to find a software or command line to tiles my project 3d, i found out CesiumLab but result not as my expected. Don't you know anything can tiles b3dm into dire…
Possible solutions:
* Generate GIS at two spatial levels (being done)
* TopoJSON
* Render and use bitmap tiles for high zoom
See also:
mvl22 updated
6 years ago
If I plan on doing all computations in pixel coordinates, then I'll need to know how big each pixel is. I can get these distances (at the equator) with [these equations](https://github.com/nst-guide/g…
Travis CI handles windows CI duties for linux builds, but we currently have no way to run unit tests and builds on Windows. Create an internal VM for SWAGD that will build the software and report Win…
## 目的
## プロセス
- [ ] tiffをgdal2tilesでXYZ形式でラスタータイル化
( 参考:https://qiita.com/Shogo_Hirasawa/items/f1fc8ad77d0722413ba7 )
- [ ] XYZ形式のラスタータイルをGitHubにア…
I'm processing a .vrt created from a .jp2 file. On Ubuntu it works, but on Centos 7 it throws the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/centos/gdal2tilesp.py", line 2759, in…
gdal2tiles.py generates tiles that can be displayed on various map engines, and many coordinate frames work, but there is a shift for all CRS's that are in the NAD83(HARN) coordinate frame. …
As reported by Witold Baryluk in [Debian Bug #944974](https://bugs.debian.org/944974):
> I did run gdal2tiles.py on big PNG input in raster mode and gdal2tiles
> generated only tilemapresource.xml…
I've tried a TIFF file from:
but it did not showed up in Visualizer, it was visible everywhere else including the basic metadata.…