Geowave is a modern geospatial viz system that was suggested by a good friend of mine who is a GIS expert. It seems like it'll help us develop stronger intuition about our datasets.
Hi RasterFrames team:
Wish rasterframes could support [sparklyr](https://spark.rstudio.com) R package for more data scientists, and integrate well with [stars](https://github.com/r-spatial/stars…
How can I get the following
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.11.12"
resolvers ++= Seq(
"hortonworks public" at "http://nexus-private.hortonworks.com/nexus/content/groups/public",
I install the project into 2 different environments: windows 10 and debian, and always get the same error when trying to ingest data: Zookepper instance is not responding in 5 sg. All the containers a…
### Proposed Change
(This is an abridged version of the proposal document)
Big data open source projects have been leveraged for storage and analysis of geospatial data for a long time, and a fl…
Goal: the traditional graph mining data scientist can handle big data without learning too much new grammar.
Develop the necessary terraform scripts to bring up an OSMesa stack for the Ingest and Global Analytics - Zeppelin Notebook components.
- [ ] Bring up an ephemeral, spot-instance based cluster that…
Remember the SAT analogies?
`withCenter` : `withCenterLatLng` :: `withBounds` : `withBoundsLatLng`
Would be useful for querying against an EPSG:4326 column
Logging this in the event others are running into performance issues with Kryo serialization. I'd moved away from using the convenient `KryoSerializer` class due to high instantiation costs.
Although greyhound's cmake build doesn't perform any version check on entwine, greyhound's source code includes header files from entwine that were removed from the project immediately after the v1.3.…