Hi Pavel!
I have sarted to try the GLTF import. Generating the GLTFs from Blender objects (native export to GLTF 2.0) I'm unable to import none of the examples I had into GLScene.
Of course I ha…
I have a lot of memory (about 64GB), but I get this error when clicking "Cache Baked Collision" on the `MubinToolSettings` menu.
System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemor…
I have recently moved to V2.2 and some previous projects I had with *.smd objects are not loaded now. It doesn't generate any specific exception but none of them (I tested at least 5 models) is loaded…
Hi Laex,
I've Delphi 10.4 (Update 1) and when I try to build package rtlCVClass.dpro an error appears on use of inline in class constructors and destructors.
Checking project dependencies.…
In the demo of Archipelago,GLHeightTileFileHDS need the HTFFile( Islands.htf), which soft can edit/export HTFFile?
The following Link is not worked.
- Terrain elevation map and textures : Mattias Fa…
Earth is not a sphere but a spheroid.
I need to ray-trace an spheroid.
I think the author can re-derive the formula for a spheroid.
Your older version compiled and worke but with mouse problems
so i wanted to check the newone
This is the error may be more?
[dcc32 Error] OSM.NetworkRequest.RTL.pas(128): E2010 Incomp…
![Screenshot - 24_09_2022 , 18_20_36](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4199131/192106090-0d66e604-b102-428d-b3ac-ffc1bf981129.jpg)
Reduce shader variant commit cost.
1. Make transform matrix buffer. UBO for projection and view matrix, SSBO for model matrix.
2. Make rendering needs to be through the scene.
3. Collect transfor…
Not really an issue, but, more for information. I have GLScene V2.01 and was wondering which GLScene units are now obselete? CrossPlatform seems to be one, and, Opengl1x? & Opengl2x? don't seem to exi…